A World Without Trade Shows: How Managers Are Generating Revenue Without Events

Featuring Jim Elliott, president, James G. Elliott Co., Inc.; John French, CEO, John French LLC; and Todd Krizelman, CEO of MediaRadar, Inc.  A webinar presented by Connectiv, The Business Information Association, a division of SIIA, on May 12, 2020.  

How you lead, generate new products, treat your customers and sell in the next several months will go a long way in determining your success in the coming years. At this webinar you will obtain up-to-date MediaRadar data and forecasts. You will learn how to lead and how to set up your organization to generate multiple new replacement products and revenue. You will also leave with ideas that can have you making money today. 

View here: https://beacon360.content.online/xbcs/S2082/catalog/resource.xhtml?eid=21526