Sell Them the Way They Want to be Sold

By Jim Elliott, President James G. Elliott Co., Inc.

November 16, 2021

You’ve undoubtedly heard someone say, “Do what you love, and the money will follow.”  Maybe, but I have found that when we do what the customer loves, the money will follow.

There are many selling methodologies in use today: The Challenger Sale, Conceptual Selling, Consultative Selling, Customer-Centric Selling, MEDDIC, NEAT Selling, SNAP Selling, Solution Selling, SPIN Selling, Sandler Selling System, Value Selling Framework, and more.  All of these techniques offer tools the seller can use.  However, at the Elliott Co. we have found that one simple attitude improves our chance of success whatever method our salespeople might be using: sell our advertisers and their agencies the way they want to be sold.

This attitude shifts our focus away from just selling to being a trusted resource: an advisor—not just another media vendor.  This approach contributes to our consistent record of success.

Sometimes, of course, the way they want to be sold is purely transactional.  But we have found that many of our advertiser clients and their agencies are looking for more.  It can be about how we can solve a problem, overcome a challenge, or ease a pain point for them. When we see it their way, we are automatically valued more.  We and our customers find ourselves working together toward a common goal: their goal.